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Investigation & Research (Bio 4277): Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes. In nature, bacteria exist as mixed populations. In the laboratory these populations must be separated so that characteristics of individual species may be observed. When microbial ecologists seek to isolate new bacteria from the environment, they must experiment with many nutrients and growth conditions to culture the newly isolated bacteria in the lab. It is often very difficult to replicate bacterial growth conditions in the lab. It is estimated that only 0.1% of all bacteria have been successfully cultured. The goal of this course is for students to develop protocols that will allow the identification (phenotypic and genotypic) of Bacillus species from nature.

Gel eletrophorisis

Field quadrant


After taking the labs  for microbiology, general biology and Investigation & Research. I have obtained several laboratory  techniques that will help me in the future.. I  can now examine bacteria under a microscope, create different media, analyze data, pipette, and several other skills. 

Investigation & Research Bio (2277): In this course we experimented with Daphnias. We used ethanol to monitor their heart rate under a microscope.

General BiologyII: Mouse dissection

Winston-Salem State University

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